What do I do if my elderly parent does not want to drink water?

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There is no need to force them to drink water alone to keep their hydration levels up. There are several clever ways to provide them with enough fluids to keep them hydrated. Providing them with water rich foods, fruits, vegetables, and an assortment of drinks can make a significant difference.

  • Provide them with fruits such as strawberries, oranges, and watermelon.
  • Vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and celery.
  • Foods such as soups, broths, and stews that contain plenty of water.
  • Drinks such as decaffeinated tea and coffee, naturally flavoured water such as lemon infused water, fruit juices such as apple or grape juice, or any other drink that they might prefer.
  • Sports drinks that contain low sugar and salt quantities are also suitable, provided that they do not contain stimulants.

It is vitally important to note that alcoholic beverages are not advisable as it has highly diuretic qualities that pose a serious dehydration risk to elderly people.

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